Policy Advocacy Organizing
Want to pave the way for action in your community? Help us build leadership and influence to support our vision. We support the personal and collective transformation of parents and caregivers as they reclaim their power. Step forward to ensure you and your peers are heard.
Get involved. Get connected.
Education and health and wellness is at the core of community resilience in West Contra Costa. What makes FIERCE Advocates unique is that we delve deep into the intersection of well-being as a pathway for social change. We call for a RECLAIMING and REIMAGINING of our education and health systems that, due to systematic racism and oppression, have opportunity gaps in health, wellness, and achievement for students, families, and our local communities.
Our Goal
Our programs connect to the power of parents and caregivers to unearth their genius and those of their children, and to build healthy communities that are strong and connected. This is your chance to be a leader and advocate for change. Connect and learn with families and caregivers in your own community through our programs that help you build leadership and learn together to get your strong voices heard.
Our Impact
Advocacy programs make a difference to West Contra Costa County. Here are three ways you can join us and get involved.
You can serve on boards, commissions, and committees where you have a front-row view of community concerns with the ability to influence decisions.
You can get involved in civic participation, such as giving public comments at a meeting or sending an email to a local official about the change you want to see.
You can work with peers on action teams to activate strategies for the change you want to see in your community, your child’s school, or in government systems.
Movement Building Coalitions and Networks
FIERCE Advocates co-convenes the Bay Area Coalition for Education Justice (BACEJ) with Bay Area Plan and Coleman Advocates. BACEJ is a coalition that builds unity between student and family leaders to reimagine and make real an education system where Black, Latinx, and immigrant students learn and thrive. We are a coalition of youth, families, and community organizations across the Bay Area who organize for anti-racist systems change in our schools and districts.
BVN seeks to:
Create dedicated, safe, and culturally authentic spaces for Black community members to make connections
Promote mental and emotional well-being for youth and adults
Increase effective academic, social, and emotional support resources for Black youth in our schools and community
To learn more about BVN,
contact us here.
FIERCE Advocates co-convenes the Black Village Network with Ed Fund West and partners with Black students and families to envision, reimagine, and co-create solutions for Black communities to thrive.
Black Village Network members are elementary through college-age youth and parents who joined BVN to build a community of Black social innovators that prioritizes and celebrates the beauty and dimensions of Black liberation and empowerment.
For more information about FIERCE Advocates Community Engagement and Advocacy, please contact:
Dulce Galicia, Policy Advocacy Organizing Manager
Email: dgalicia@fierceadvocates.org
Phone: 510 232-5812 ext. 403